25 Şubat 2008 Pazartesi

Week 3

My past three week was like nightmare for me.I had a traffic accident when i was coming for comm 101 course.So i couldn't come to class and it was a big deal for me.My car slided about 20 metres on the road in front of the dorm S and i hit a minibus also i wanted to show my interest for this course but i couldn't.This is a new start for me.I believe i will pass this course as long as i did my works and attended every classes.As you understood my snow holiday was not good infact it was terrible.When the holiday time i had court trial for accident and i was trying to give my car to service to fix it.People think about me irresponsible firstly maybe i am irresponsible(but i am unlucky i know that) but when the situations are becoming bad and i have no way out, i try my best to get out from that sitiuation.
One other thing, last wednesday Mr.Oregan has revised diagnostic essays and i wasn't here.I am behind from my classmates.They are more informed than me about thesis statement,editing.I hope someone will help me about that.I know Mr.Oregan is a tough teacher but he is working for our goodness.As long as students works, I know he will help us as much as he can.

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David dedi ki...

As you will know, you are somewhat behind in your blog.

You still need to change the language of your blog to English.

1- Go your blog
2-Your dashboard will automatically open.
3-You will see the "MANAGE YOUR BLOG" section or in Turkish "KONTROL PANELİ"
4-Then in the manage section that is divided into 3 sections:"POSTS,SETTINGS,LAYOUT" or in Turkish "GÖNDERİLER,AYARLAR YERLEŞİM"
5-Choose the "settings" section or "ayarlar"
6-From the page that opened click the "formatting" section or "biçimlendiriliyor"
7-Find the "language" part in this page or "dil" part.
8-Change it into English.