9 Mart 2008 Pazar


Monday, I entered the lessons from 09.30 till 17.oo.As it can be guessed I was very exhausted because of my schedule. After the school I went to home and I slept a little and then I watched tv. At wednesday, I did the same things because my schedule was the same as monday and I got exhausted.Tuesday and thursday, I didn't have got a lot of classes so I went outside after classes to meet my friends. Then I turned back to home to do some studying. At weekend, I met my girlfriend and we went to the cinema. We entered a new film which named "The Eye". We liked this film because of it was an horror film and Jessica Alba has playing the main character. After the movie I returned to home because my mother came to Istanbul. I was living in İzmir till I came here for university. I'm living with my brother in Istanbul and I'm really having fun with him.
So this was my week. See you next week:)

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