24 Mart 2008 Pazartesi

Week 7

Last week has been a hard week for me.I had two midterms and podcast.One of the midterms was so important and it didn't go weel but it was hard for everybod who took exam.Also i had homeworks and assignments but i completed them in time and perfectly.
Last week, my mother had a surgery.After my mom healed, she came home.Then my whole family came to see my mom.My mom found a chance to rest after noisy crowd went.
I bought a new laptop with my savings in thursday.I almost watched three movies everday.The most effective one is the Last King Of The Scotland.It is based on true story.Movie mentions about Uganda's tough dictator Idi Amin's life, actions and meet with a doctor who is from Scotland.The actor, Forest Whitaker won Academy Award in the role of Idi Amin.I recommend this movie to everyone.
Well, I told my week 7 and even i critisized a movie for you.See you in next week...Take care everyone!!!

1 yorum:

David dedi ki...

I mustn't be giving you enough homework if you have time to watch 3 movies each day. I am jealous of your new computer. As you know mine causes me constant frustration.