30 Mart 2008 Pazar

Week 8

This is week 8.All these weeks past very quickly.This week, we had tutorials and we had to write our second draft.I think this is the most important thing for this week.As a classic, i had midterms as you all have.There is nothing much to tell for this week.In saturday, i went Beşiktaş-Fenerbahçe football match.It was very crowded and exciting.In Turkey, supporters become monsters when they are watching matches.There are many violent actions in the stadium.People threw everything to the field that they can get.I went out with my girlfriend after the school for couple times and i hang out with my friends too.Also i have watched a film and it was great.It's name is Shawshank Redemption Film's subject prepared wisely.It is about a man who is in prison because of the guilt that killing his wife.Although he is incredibly smart and resistant and he tries to get out of jail.You should watch this film.It is very inspiring.

That's all....SEE YOU İN NEXT WEEK!!!!

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