17 Ocak 2011 Pazartesi

Sözde Denizhanla ben birbirimizi ........

30 Mart 2008 Pazar

Week 8

This is week 8.All these weeks past very quickly.This week, we had tutorials and we had to write our second draft.I think this is the most important thing for this week.As a classic, i had midterms as you all have.There is nothing much to tell for this week.In saturday, i went Beşiktaş-Fenerbahçe football match.It was very crowded and exciting.In Turkey, supporters become monsters when they are watching matches.There are many violent actions in the stadium.People threw everything to the field that they can get.I went out with my girlfriend after the school for couple times and i hang out with my friends too.Also i have watched a film and it was great.It's name is Shawshank Redemption Film's subject prepared wisely.It is about a man who is in prison because of the guilt that killing his wife.Although he is incredibly smart and resistant and he tries to get out of jail.You should watch this film.It is very inspiring.

That's all....SEE YOU İN NEXT WEEK!!!!

24 Mart 2008 Pazartesi

Week 7

Last week has been a hard week for me.I had two midterms and podcast.One of the midterms was so important and it didn't go weel but it was hard for everybod who took exam.Also i had homeworks and assignments but i completed them in time and perfectly.
Last week, my mother had a surgery.After my mom healed, she came home.Then my whole family came to see my mom.My mom found a chance to rest after noisy crowd went.
I bought a new laptop with my savings in thursday.I almost watched three movies everday.The most effective one is the Last King Of The Scotland.It is based on true story.Movie mentions about Uganda's tough dictator Idi Amin's life, actions and meet with a doctor who is from Scotland.The actor, Forest Whitaker won Academy Award in the role of Idi Amin.I recommend this movie to everyone.
Well, I told my week 7 and even i critisized a movie for you.See you in next week...Take care everyone!!!

16 Mart 2008 Pazar


Hi everyone!!!

I realised that weeks are passing very quickly.This week was faster than other weeks.In a wink,week is over.I suppose that i had good times in this week.In tuesday,I had a midnight football match.The match finished about 2am and i was exhausted.Whatever there is one thing i want to tell you.Me and my friends who are Berkay and Anıl were betting on horse racing past few months.I have been betting on horse racing for 3-4 years.I have been some exciting times but in this week i was so closed for big money.In thursday, me ,anıl and berkay made big coupon and in last race we got 8 horses over 15 horses.Then we lost by head of the other horse and money that given to each winner was 56.000 ytl.
Saturday i had biology midterm and i was a little bit hard but i did nice job.In friday i was at the half of my first essay.i finished my essay one in sunday.It was a challenging work and i am happy to accomplished that.That is enough for this week.Everybody take care yourself.See you later!!!!

9 Mart 2008 Pazar


This week, the first day passed very hard for me because my chemistry lab report was due to tuesday. Writing this lab report took my couple of hours because it was very complex. I delivered lab report at tuesday. With relief of giving my lab report, I watched Sevilla-Fenerbahçe championship football match with my friends at S dorm. The match was incredibly wonderful. After the penalties, Fenerbahçe won the match and passed the tour. Even though I'm a fan of Galatasaray, I was very proud of Fenerbahçe as a Turkish person. My friends went to Bagdat street for celebration and I got back to home. In thursday, I was very excited because I bought nintendo wii to my girlfriend. When I gave her present, she became very happy and I got very happy too. Then, I set up nintendo wii and we played wii for 5-6 hours in her home. Friday, we woke up with an unpleasant news: our family friend uncle Soydan was dead. We got very sad because of this event. At weekend, we went to the funarel and we went to the mosque and we prayed for his soul.Then we turned back to home with a sad mood. At evening, my father came to home from İzmir. We became a little happy; we needed this.
This is all for this week. See you next week.



Monday, I entered the lessons from 09.30 till 17.oo.As it can be guessed I was very exhausted because of my schedule. After the school I went to home and I slept a little and then I watched tv. At wednesday, I did the same things because my schedule was the same as monday and I got exhausted.Tuesday and thursday, I didn't have got a lot of classes so I went outside after classes to meet my friends. Then I turned back to home to do some studying. At weekend, I met my girlfriend and we went to the cinema. We entered a new film which named "The Eye". We liked this film because of it was an horror film and Jessica Alba has playing the main character. After the movie I returned to home because my mother came to Istanbul. I was living in İzmir till I came here for university. I'm living with my brother in Istanbul and I'm really having fun with him.
So this was my week. See you next week:)

25 Şubat 2008 Pazartesi

Week 3

My past three week was like nightmare for me.I had a traffic accident when i was coming for comm 101 course.So i couldn't come to class and it was a big deal for me.My car slided about 20 metres on the road in front of the dorm S and i hit a minibus also i wanted to show my interest for this course but i couldn't.This is a new start for me.I believe i will pass this course as long as i did my works and attended every classes.As you understood my snow holiday was not good infact it was terrible.When the holiday time i had court trial for accident and i was trying to give my car to service to fix it.People think about me irresponsible firstly maybe i am irresponsible(but i am unlucky i know that) but when the situations are becoming bad and i have no way out, i try my best to get out from that sitiuation.
One other thing, last wednesday Mr.Oregan has revised diagnostic essays and i wasn't here.I am behind from my classmates.They are more informed than me about thesis statement,editing.I hope someone will help me about that.I know Mr.Oregan is a tough teacher but he is working for our goodness.As long as students works, I know he will help us as much as he can.